Importance of preparing your child for school

For most parents looking for school can be both an exciting and a stressful experience. There are many things to consider when you are looking for school: if the child is ready for school or whether they will adapt easily in the school environment.

An important factor that determines whether the child is ready for school goes beyond cognitive and academic development, it also includes social, emotional and physical development. Children would commonly struggle the first few days and sometimes even longer because they have difficulties adapting to change,sharing,socialising and sometimes being made to comply or follow instructions. As a result of the above mentioned struggles children would then struggle to have a positive experience at school and teachers would also struggle to assist the child.


Teaching children self-help skills (putting pants,shoes and T-shirts on, brushing teeth and feeding themselves) is a good skill that is often taken for granted. Independence boosts children's self-esteem and confidence.  Having a child that is independent means that they will require less assistant from teachers.

Teaching a child that is developmentally delayed might take time, but it can be achieved with consistency.


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