Teach Children To Follow Instructions


                            Teach children to follow instructions

There are lot of reasons for children not to follow instructions, from lack of attention to the verbal instruction, to carrying certain tasks, understanding the instruction meaning and lack of motivation. One of the valuable skills of individuals diagnosed with autism is their ability to follow instructions. Children with ASD has potential to learn like everyone else, however some children find it difficult to learn because of non-compliance.    

Five steps to teach your child to follow instructions

Your child's development will determine the right level of instructions to teach and the best way to teach is to break lessons into smaller tasks.

  1. First thing when teaching instruction following is to teach one step instructions (come here,close,sit down, give me, open)
  2. The second step would be to generalize all the one step instructions you taught in different settings (mall,school,home,restaurant)
  3. Slightly change the familiar instruction, so that you know that your child is really listening instead of just rote listening to an instruction
  4. Once your child masters following one step instruction you can move to two step instruction e.g., take your lunch box and put in in the bag
  5. Generalize Two step instructions in different settings as well.

Teaching children to comply or follow instructions will not happen overnight, it might take longer but always generalize instructions so that children get used to applying the skill that's being taught in their everyday lives.


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