Pre-verbal communication

Early Pre-verbal Communication

Non verbal does not always mean that a person can not hear you. You should not stop speaking to your child just because they do not have words, speaking with children helps to improve their communication and language skills. The first step to teaching communication is eye contact , eye contact does not only improve attentiveness but it is also important for catching  and responding to other people's social cues.

Children learn to communicate even before they can start speaking. Early pre verbal communication is when a child communicates with you without using words (when they start directing you or pointing at a desired item). 

Strategies of communication and early language development

  • Children learn more by the need to communicate. You need to be creative and create a situation that requires a child to request for items( signing or saying please) eg instead of giving a child a whole packet of chips, give them in small portions so that they can come  back and ask for more.

  • Always encourage your child to request for something without crying or throwing a tantrum(could be through picture exchange method, sign language or using words).

  • Always use language when you are with your child eg when they want you to open a bottle of water make eye contact and say OPEN. this helps them to communicate and  learn language.

    If they show signs of speech (when they try sounding few words) always encourage them to sound words. note the approximation of words that they are trying to sound and work on them to make them sound better.

  • Children are visual leaners, have a PECS file at home with pictures of things they use on a daily basis.


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