
Showing posts from January, 2022

Improve Communication

 Speech Delay or regression in language and speech is one of the earliest signs of autism. Children develop receptive language (understanding what's being said to them)  and later on they develop an expressive language (ability to convey their thoughts into meaningful words).  Expressive language Children with autism struggle mostly with expressive language (expressing their feelings, expressing, their needs and thoughts) but as they grow older they start communicating their needs in different ways. Receptive language In their early childhood they might  struggle with receptive language (to comply when spoken to, to follow instruction and to respond to their names).    How to improve language Encourage language and non verbal communication: always talk to your children even if they are not verbal yet. Try to have conversations of things they are interested in(colours of their toys, the weather outside, their favorite tv shows etc.) and always e...

Preparing Children With Autism For Puberty

Puberty  Preparing every child for puberty is essential. Puberty usually starts from age 10-14 (girls starts earlier than boys)but every child is different, preparing children earlier might help in case they experience puberty earlier than expected. Using visual aids and social stories can make it easier for them to understand. First things to teach about puberty: Different body parts(male and female). Which body parts should remain covered. Appropriate and inappropriate touches. Behaviors that can be done in public and private places. Different genders. Body and emotional changes that will be experienced. Mature relationships. Hygiene.  Children with autism might experience puberty a bit harshly simply because of the features related to autism such as sensory, social and emotional issues but it's nothing a good preparation wont fix. How to prepare for puberty talk? Be more willing as a parent to talk about uncomfortable topics. Prepare for tricky questio...

Autism Treatment

Autism Treatment Any form of diagnosis is scary for everyone, no parent is ever ready to parent a special needs child. There's no cure for autism but treatment can make a huge difference. With the right medication and therapy,  individuals with autism can manage activities, improve communication ,social skills and behavior. Medication Prescribed medication can be used to treat certain symptoms that  associate with autism such as aggression, self injury, irritability, sever temper, repetitive behavior, insomnia, hyperactivity, impulsivity . Antipsychotic medication: antipsychotic medication such as risperidone and aripiprazone also known as abilify can be used for individuals with autism to regulate aggression, anxiety and hyperactivity. Stimulants: most popular stimulants that are usually prescribed for individuals with autism are ritalin, attenta and concerta. These stimulants can also be prescribes for people with ADHD, they are used to improve difficulties with atte...

Social Skills Delay

  Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that cause delay in an individual’s development, one of the known delays is social skills. Social skills are rules and abilities that allow us to interact and form relationships with other people. Most people and children diagnosed with autism have difficulty socializing with their peers, social skills delay might be caused by lack of communication, lack of understanding nonverbal communication or social anxiety. Younger children need the following skills to develop social skills Awareness of other people Eye contact Sharing toys Responding to names Following instructions Taking turns How to teach children social skills Pretend play:( being doctors, playing superheroes etc.) pretend play allow children to use their imagination it also teaches them different behaviors and understanding of other people’s feelings Sharing: encourage your child to share their toys and snacks with other children. Sharing is the easies...

Disorders Similar To Autism

Disorders Similar To Autism Pervasive Development disorder   Any kind of diagnosis is scary and no parent is ever prepared to hear that their child has a developmental disorder. Before acceptance one tends to experience an emotional phase but there’s one thing I am certain of, parents always wants what’s best for their children. There are few developmental disorders that are slightly similar to autism and in most cases are mistaken for autism, they all fall under the pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) umbrella. Pervasive developmental disorder includes a few mental disorders such as autism, Rett, PDD- Not Otherwise Specified and childhood disintegrative disorder.  Symptoms  Symptoms that fall under these disorders vary from one individual to another but the most common symptoms are Noticeable between ages of one to three:  these developmental disorders are typically noticed by parents during infancy and toddlerhood. Children with PDD disorders show sighs of ...