Toilet Training

Toilet training
I have seen so many posts of parents asking how they got their little ones to be fully toilet trained, well... all I can tell you is that every parent has a different story to share. I have been working with children on ASD for years and I have quite a few stories to share as well but for now all I can say is that it’s different for everyone. I am currently toilet training a three-year-old student and we have been toilet training for a little over a month now. The first few days he would not sit on the toilet,he is still not independent but he now at least sit on the toilet, he also understands when I tell him “Lets go to toilet” and he actually does wee when we get to the toilet. If you have been in this journey, you will understand my victory.

Tips for toilet training
  • Unfortunately there’s no specific method to toilet training because every child is different but the key to every child is consistency.
  • You have to make toilet training part of your schedule and let them sit on the toilet for at least 5 minutes.
  • Do not put any time frame to your toilet training, be patient and celebrate every improvement and don’t forget to reinforce them.
  • Have an understanding that it is a new experience for them and toilet training is still unfamiliar so you will probably get behavior but it gets better as soon as they get used to the routine.
  • Give them their favorite sensory/fidget toy while they sitting on the toilet, this will not only calm them but it will make them stay longer.
  • Don’t compare your child to other parents’ stories because it might only frustrate you
It’s going to get messy but its going to be worth it.


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