A healthy lunch box for children

A healthy lunch box for children A healthy lunch box gives your child energy to play and learn. What you pack in your child's lunch box should depend on the number of hours they spend at school and their appetite. Getting your child involved in what you pack will make it more likely for them to eat the food. Pack food that is easy to eat and that won't get their hands dirty. cut their food into small pieces and avoid adding a lot of filling in their sandwiches. Things to avoided. Avoid soggy sandwiches or excess juice in fruits. Avoid fruit juice or soft drinks . Meats like salami, smoked turkey and pastrami are highly processed and salty. A healthy lunch box offers range of healthy options such as: Fruits - fresh or dried fruits. Vegetables - Fresh vegetables Healthy grains - bread,pasta,corn,rice or cereal Dairy - yogurt, milk and cheese Protein foods - chicken , fish (canned tuna, salmon), eggs, tofu, nuts, beans and lentils