Back to school Festive season has come to an end and it's the most daunting time for most families: the transition back to school. Some children are changing classes, others are starting new school and for some children this year will be their first year at school. This time of the year could be conflicting because it could both mean new beginning and a difficult transition. With all that in mind I would like to share tips to make the transition back to school a lot more barrable. Include children in the school preparation Go shopping for school bags or uniform and prepare stationary with the child. This will emotionally help them to be prepared for school. Prepare a visual schedule Prepare a weekday visual schedule with your child, preparing a weekly schedule helps children to know what to expect when they get back to school (The schedule can consist of day-to-day activities from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night). Start structuring your days Pr...